Why choose PROUD?

Because all students deserve to feel safe, respected, and empowered at school.

An Inclusive Learning Environment for LGBTQ+ Students & Allies

Parents and students choose PROUD Academy because of our uniquely inclusive approach to education and student development. PROUD is the fifth school in the nation — and the first in Connecticut — that is designed as an inclusive, affirming space for students who identify as LGBTQ+.

We’re a safe space — come learn and grow while embracing exactly who you are.

Everyone deserves to feel safe being their true, authentic selves, but that’s unfortunately not the case for many students in schools across the country. LGBTQ+ young people often experience discrimination, bullying, violence, and rejection at school, leading them to higher rates of depression, substance use, and suicide.

Enrolling in PROUD Academy means you will find yourself in an inclusive, compassionate atmosphere for all — you can study, learn, and explore who you are, free from bullying and surrounded by diverse peers, teachers, and mentors.


of LGBTQ+ students feel unsafe at school because of their gender identity/expression


 of LGBTQ+ students feel unsafe at school because of their sexual orientation


of LGBTQ+ students have experienced discrimination because of their sexual orientation/gender identity


of LGBTQ+ youth report that recent politics have negatively impacted their mental health

100% of Students Deserve to Feel Safe and Respected at School – and are Welcome at PROUD Academy!

A First-class Education & Extracurricular Programs

We are committed to offering a rigorous curriculum that addresses the holistic developmental needs of adolescents, particularly around the formation and affirmation of their identities.

Surveys taken at Pride events show that students are eager for curriculums that are LGBTQ+ and racially inclusive. PROUD Academy is the first school in Connecticut to purchase the LGBTQ+ History Unerased curriculum developed by queer educator, Deb Fowler. We will also incorporate the race-focused Self-Evident Education across our curriculum, including within Humanities and STEM courses.

And through our potential lease with The Boys & Girls Club, we will be able to offer PROUD Academy students the opportunity to engage in well-rounded after-school and extracurricular programs.

Apply to PROUD Academy Today

Applications are open! If you’re interested in joining a one-of-a-kind learning community, apply for enrollment at PROUD Academy. We’d be so happy to have you.

"PROUD Academy is needed for our children. I took my child, who identifies as transgender/genderqueer, to the PROUD Academy Open House and I saw them come alive. They were in their element. They felt safe. They felt accepted. They felt confident. To see a place where they could feel so much themselves and so loved for exactly who they are was the most incredible experience."

– Rebecca, Parent –

"It will give students an extra feeling of security; freedom to be themselves, freedom of self-expression."

– Tarin, Student –

"It's so important for individuals and children to have PROUD Academy - to have a school that is always going to accept, never have to judge. It's all full of love. Everybody should have love in their heart and having a school like that would be absolutely amazng for our children. I would like my child to be able to go to a school where there's no judgement."

– Cassie, Parent –

"I get made fun of for being queer, I get made fun of for being trans at school. A school that is made for people like me and made for a community that's not always treated correctly is an amazing thing. It makes a community. It makes a family."

– Ollie, Student–

"I want to go to PROUD Academy because I'll be able to talk to more kids that are queer and will be more accepting of me. It would be a really cool experience."

– Ryen, Student –

"With a name like PROUD Academy - you're going to be PROUD to be there! It's going to be a safe and open space with open arms, ready to hug anybody who needs it, and there will be help around every corner."

– Kai Shappley, Student –