Be a PROUD volunteer

Be Part of A Safe & Welcoming Home for Every Family

As we embark on this journey to open New England’s first school geared for LGBTQ+ youth and their allies, we know it takes a village. That’s where you come in!

We recognize your time is valuable. Please know we appreciate your consideration to help move PROUD Academy into becoming a reality for our students who need us.

Want to Volunteer? 

Some of the Ways You Can Make a Difference:

  • Help run tables at PRIDE and other community events
  • Donate time to students in your field of expertise
  • Attend our special events and fundraisers
  • Help write thank you cards to donors
  • Donate school supplies, clothes for our gender affirming wardrobe, musical instruments, etc.
  • Talk about us! Help spread the word about PROUD Academy
  • Advocate for safe and affirming schools
  • Bring other stakeholders to PROUD’s table

Contact Us to Apply!