Your family belongs at PROUD Academy

A Safe & Welcoming Home for Every Family

It’s a simple notion: Young people should be able to receive a quality education in a compassionate, safe, and affirming school.

Yet every day, we hear from parents just like you that their children are struggling at school simply because of who they are.

PROUD Academy is a one-of-a-kind, much-needed, truly inclusive school with the needs and interests of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning (LGBTQ+) youth and their allies in the mind, heart, and soul of our learning community.

Curious how your child will shine at PROUD Academy?

Inclusive Curriculum

We’re committed to addressing the personal development of students, including their physical, emotional, and social development.

Our engaging and diverse curriculum, which includes the LGBTQ+ History Unerased curriculum developed by queer educator, Deb Fowler, and the race-focused Self-Evident Education program, aims to prepare students to excel in school and in life – as lifelong learners, responsible citizens, and effective leaders within their communities.

State-of-the-Art Facilities

We are proud to have the potential to start PROUD Academy in our formative years at The Boys & Girls Club in Ansonia. The building is a secure facility equipped with a modern security system including cameras, alarms, and buzz-in entry. 

The location occupies a beautiful 32,000 square-foot facility equipped with a full-size gymnasium, an outdoor recreation area, spacious classrooms, and a warm, inviting atmosphere that will complement our inclusive curriculum.

Afterschool Programming

We are pleased to offer PROUD Academy students opportunities to engage in after school programs. In partnership with students, parents, and teachers, we are considering exploring:

  • Yoga and Mindfulness Classes
  • Peer Mediation Training
  • Youth Stonewall Speaker Training
  • Art Classes
  • Musical Theater Programs/ Drama

Get Involved

To make our dream of opening New England’s first school geared for LGBTQ+ youth and their allies a reality – we need your help!

"PROUD Academy is needed for our children. I took my child, who identifies as transgender/genderqueer, to the PROUD Academy Open House and I saw them come alive. They were in their element. They felt safe. They felt accepted. They felt confident. To see a place where they could feel so much themselves and so loved for exactly who they are was the most incredible experience."

– Rebecca, Parent –

"It will give students an extra feeling of security; freedom to be themselves, freedom of self-expression."

– Tarin, Student –

"It's so important for individuals and children to have PROUD Academy - to have a school that is always going to accept, never have to judge. It's all full of love. Everybody should have love in their heart and having a school like that would be absolutely amazng for our children. I would like my child to be able to go to a school where there's no judgement."

– Cassie, Parent –

"I get made fun of for being queer, I get made fun of for being trans at school. A school that is made for people like me and made for a community that's not always treated correctly is an amazing thing. It makes a community. It makes a family."

– Ollie, Student–

"I want to go to PROUD Academy because I'll be able to talk to more kids that are queer and will be more accepting of me. It would be a really cool experience."

– Ryen, Student –

"With a name like PROUD Academy - you're going to be PROUD to be there! It's going to be a safe and open space with open arms, ready to hug anybody who needs it, and there will be help around every corner."

– Kai Shappley, Student –

Supporting Your Family
Every Step of the Way

We’re here to help support your whole family on your journey at PROUD Academy.

Our safe, holistic services bring together your family, community-based partners, natural support systems, and academic personnel to develop a plan of support that is unique to your family’s specific needs.

Have questions about PROUD Academy?

Ready to Enroll?

We are accepting applications for middle school students.