Nicole Selmanie M.Ed

Nicole Selmanie (she/her) began teaching in Hartford, CT in 2011. As an educator, Nicole is a fierce advocate for students and justice. As an early teacher, she developed and led several initiatives aimed at providing access and opportunity to her students, as well as safe, affirming spaces, including student council, a chapter of the National Honor Society, a district-wide Matheletes program and competition, Saturday SAT School, an after-school tutoring program, and GSA. Nicole received her master’s degree in Educational Leadership from Boston University and a sixth year certificate in administration and supervision from the University of Connecticut. She has used her leadership skills to serve her schools as team leader and by providing professional development to staff members on classroom culture, building meaningful relationships with students, restorative practices, and evidence-based pedagogy that engages students’ natural curiosities.

Being a member of the LGBTQ+ community, Nicole has served as a resource for many students. Serving on the Board of PROUD Academy, she hopes to contribute to creating a learning environment that celebrates and affirms all identities.