Get Involved

Are you ready to make a meaningful difference in the lives of LGBTQ+ youth and their allies?

As we embark on the journey to open New England’s first school exclusively tailored to LGBTQ+ students, we invite you to join our vibrant community of passionate volunteers, supporters, and staff!

Whether you’re eager to volunteer at community events, make a donation, become a member of our education and support staff, or advocate for safe and affirming schools, your involvement is a vital piece of the puzzle.

Join us and be a part of the positive change that PROUD Academy is bringing to the Connecticut community and beyond!


Your donation to PROUD Academy is a powerful investment in the creation of a safe, affirming, and transformative educational environment for LGBTQ+ youth and their allies. Join us in building a world where every student can thrive and become the leaders of tomorrow.


From volunteering at community events to donating your time and expertise to our students – there are so many ways you can be a catalyst for positive change in the lives of LGBTQ+ youth and their allies!


We are looking for qualified and passionate LGBTQ+ allies who want to work with queer youth. If you’re a teacher, administrator or school support staff member who feels like PROUD Academy would be the perfect fit – we want to hear from you

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