Conn.’s first school for LGBTQ+ students coming to New Haven

Jun 30, 2023 | In The News

NEW HAVEN, Conn. (WTNH) — Connecticut’s first school created specifically for LGBTQ+ students is opening in New Haven.

It’s called the PROUD Academy, founded by former teacher and principal Patricia Nicolari. She wanted to create a safe space for LGBTQ+ students and allies to learn without being bullied for how they identify. There’s only a handful like it across the country.  

“Instead of feeling like they don’t have a say in a school that they’re in, we’re going to empower them to have a voice,” Nicolari said. 

Nicolari faced bullying firsthand when she was a teacher. She said students speculated she was a lesbian and harassed her. She recalled one instance where students scratched “lez” into her car and another time when she found notes on her desk asking if she was gay. 

Because of the stigma, Nicolari didn’t come out until 1997. She does not want students to have the same experience. 

“I want students to feel good about who they are and not waste as much time as I did or people from my generation,” she said.